Intolerance and human fear of the wolves
This causes an emotional and financial damage to the livestosk owners which often result in calls for a higher culling quotas.
Prejustice, fear and misunderstanding about the species. Many fairy tales and myths tend to misrepresent wolves as villainous, dangerous creatures. Some hunters perceive wolves as a threat to hunting opportunities, while others understand that wolves tend to prey on weaker or diseased animals. By culling weaker animals from the herds, wolves help maintain the overall health of these animals.
Habitat loss
Another serious threat is human encroachment into wolf and other wildlife habitat. This leads to habitat fragmentation, where wolves might have to cross highways and railways that can represent a danger for vehicle wolf collisions.
Loss of prey base
Wolves need enough natural prey for their survival, therefore a good managent of wild ungulates is necesarry. Managers must take into account the presence of wolves and their diet requirements. Decreasing the abundance of roe and red deer as the main wolf prey can lead to more frequent preying of domestic animals and, consequently, increased number of damages.