One of the goals of the project “Carnivora Dinarica” Interreg Slovenia–Croatia is a better and more efficient cross-border management of large carnivore populations in Croatia and Slovenia.
To achieve this, project partners carry out a number of activities, one of which is education of the public.
To this end, in addition to various workshops, the project also includes the printing of numerous publications on topics related to large carnivores. The educational and communication component of the project has been financially supported by the Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.
Leaflet “Protecting Property from Large Carnivores” provides information on suitable ways to protect domestic animals from large carnivores.
The leaflet contains links through which you can explore support measures in Slovenia and Croatia in more detail. You can also learn how to use electric fences to protect herds, and which dogs can be used to protect livestock from large carnivores. Moreover, if you are in the mood for additional practical advice and first-hand experience, you can visit the farm of good practices—Volk Farm in Slovenia.