One of the goals of the project “Carnivora Dinarica” Interreg Slovenia–Croatia is a better and more efficient cross-border management of large carnivore populations in Croatia and Slovenia.
As part of the Carnivore Dinarica project, we have set up large carnivore info corners at primary schools Pivka and Košana.
Interreg, the European Union’s central mechanism for promoting cross-border cooperation at regional and national level for the benefit of all EU citizens, is marking its 30th anniversary this year.
The LIFE EuroLargeCarnivores project has launched a Europe-wide video campaign that features testimonials from people sharing the landscape with large carnivores.
As part of the Carnivora Dinarica project, we are exploring the importance of large carnivores for local communities, using the concept of cultural ecosystem services evaluation.
1st bilateral meeting on cross-border large carnivores’ population management focused on management and monitoring …