“Telling the stories about Natural world…and our part in protecting it, forms the nexus of what we do. I can think of no skill more important to our work.” (Carter Roberts, CEO WWF 2013)
Local communities, hunters, farmers, beekeepers, experts, visitors and wider audience are getting better understanding about importance of our neighbors – bear, wolf and lynx. Raised awareness and improved knowledge of how to change behavior and start to use innovative solutions will benefit both people and large carnivores.
General project communication goals:
In order to raise awareness and influence on change in behavior of people a whole series of communication activities and materials will be designed. You will be able to learn more about bear, wolf and lynx, tips on behavior in their living area, as well as successful coexistence practices in our magazines, flyers, publications, videos, various promo materials, social media – follow us here, and in many Croatian and Slovenian national and local media.